Preemo ? RZA ?? Kanye ??? Non, je te laisse découvrir la prescription du doc dans cet extrait de son radio show The Pharmacy, en exclu sur Apple Music.

« There’s actually a lot of producers that I like to listen to, a lot of producers out there that I respect, a lot of producers that I get inspiration from, but you know what? I’m gonna write a prescription for just one. What I want right now is just a dose of XXX. One of the most incredible things that I liked about XXX is, XXX was in his hospital room on his deathbed and he had his machines in his room, in his hospital room and he was still making beats before he passed away. Now you’re talking about dedication to what you really love and your passion? It gets no deeper than that. That’s why XXX is one of my favorites. »

Dans ce premier numéro, il a également évoqué ses débuts avec Eazy-E et son implication dans le biopic à venir sur NWA.


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